Friday, May 3, 2013


So, here I am. Hello Vietnam. Trying to get a grip of myselfe with such a change. Suddenly no language, money or food I can understand. No job! Haaa! The only preparation I've made was checking a LP guidebook in the airport's bookstore for an area to stay in Hanoi. Made it here, found a room, a bed, a clean pillow! The moment I put my head on it the omnipresent loudspeakers started the morning-motivation-talk followed by cheerful songs praising the unity of the nation and its beloved Party. I'm dreading 7:30 tomorrow morning! :)

Guys, I had so much fun those last weeks it was superhard to leave (as some of you might have seen). I guess it will take me some time to readjust. You filled me with so much joy and love, it's probably pressing on my brain right now and affecting my perception of the things around. But I've learned these days that there is no time for hesitation, no place for prejudices and no fun in keeping for oneself. The Force will guide me. Amen.

So long!

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