Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I'm boarding the ship to Ly Son Island and what I see is the floor of the passanger cabin covered with green plastic bags full of vomits. Pukes should be the logo of  vietnameese  means of transportation. Bus - pukes, ship - pukes. Unfortunately vomitting is like yawning - when you hear somebody fighting two rows behind you, all that you have in your stomach start bubbling joyfully and wants to catch some fresh air as well. I managed to avoid this till now somehow, but I'm also not stuffing myselfe with the big bowl of beef soup before the bumpy ride as others do.
Back to the topic. Through the cabin goes a boy with the bucket and collects those plastic bubbles filled with half digested soup. What a job... Just the view makes me dizzy so I immediately decide to spend the whole journey on the sun burned deck but at least with the wind in my hair. Soon after the puke-picker follows with the bucket full of bubbles and of course empties it straight to the sea. Some of them go straight down, but some sway playfully on the waves, glistening in the sun.

Ly Son. Beautiful shore, cliffs, white sand and super nice people. Completely off turistic track!

Island of garlic fields. They even put it in rice wine and drink garlic alcohol. Cant imagine the morning breath after a night of going wild... ;)

Viet Nam+ Ba Lan = Number 1!! A beer with locals and only phrase I could understand. I happily went on in polish, they talked vietnameese. We had fun.

Beautiful sunset on the beach full of waste - thats the landfill of the village :( kids take a swim and have fun anyway)

Mekong Delta 8h boat ride. Was nice but my buttocks acquired the shape of the bench...

Sunset under the monsoony sky

1 comment:

  1. Uh, the puke and the waste sound really bad. But your pictures totally make up for it. :-)
