Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cambodia's environmental issues

For those of you who haven't seen them yet, here are some photos from Vietnam, which I've had a chance to develope some time ago.

I'm in Cambodia now, preparing a plan for ecological farm in remote village in Rattanakiri province.
60% of rainforest disappeared during last 40 years, indigenous people who were finding their food in the jungle before have to buy it in the market now, as they don't know how to grow it. Villages look poos and rather depressive.

Oryginal forest, getting denser when deeper

Areas cleared from trees, some of them still smouldering. With mono crop farming system soil gets poor within 5 years and plantation moves further, clearing next part of the land from trees and using chemical fertilizers to keep things growing.

Rubber trees plantations, that cover big part of the whole province, decreasing food production.

Traditional houses: left - for young, unmarried man, right - unmarried girl. Unfortunately I'm shooting those pics blind with my small camera.


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